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Top 10 Fascinating Facts about Cymric Cats

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Top 10 Fascinating Facts about Cymric Cats

Welcome to a minute of feline Fascination today spotlighting the elegant simri cat one Sims are tailess a genetic mutation led to their unique tailess design two they hail from the Isle of Man sharing ancestry with the M’s cat three Sims are robust and muscular with a rounded appearance four

Their plush double coat comes in various colors and patterns five they are known for their playful and intelligent nature six Sims are great jumpers they’re powerful hind legs making for impressive leaps seven they possess a rabbit-like hop a Charming trait unique to this breed eight Sims are social they enjoy

Human company and bond well with families nine they are adaptable adjusting well to different environments and Lifestyles and 10 Sims have a longevity living up to 15 years or more there you have it a snapshot of the Charming Sim cat in just 60 seconds

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