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“THANKS” “高評価”をぜひ


00:11 はじめに
00:18 【小型犬】
00:20 マルチーズ
01:20 ウエスト・ハイランド・ホワイト・テリア
02:07 ボロニーズ
02:37 ビション・フリーゼ
03:35 ポメラニアン
04:34 ペキニーズ
05:15 ミニチュア・シュナウザー
05:54 柴犬
06:34 チワワ
07:34 【中型犬】
07:36 日本スピッツ
08:24 プードル
09:04 ミニチュア・ブルテリア
09:45 北海道犬
10:17 紀州犬
10:48 【大型犬】
10:49 ホワイト・スイス・シェパード・ドッグ
11:53 ドゴ・アルヘンティーノ
12:27 ボルゾイ
13:17 秋田犬
14:03 グレート・ピレニーズ
15:09 サモエド

●中型犬編 人気ランキング2023
●大型犬編 人気ランキング2023
●超大型犬編 人気ランキング2023
●本当は飼いにくい人気犬種 Part1
●本当は飼いにくい人気犬種 Part2


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Music by @ikson
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Do you like white dogs? They are pure white fluffy angels! In this issue, we have compiled a list of 20 white dogs ranging from small to large breeds. First, here are nine types of small dogs 1.MALTESE Fur Color: Pure white only Fur: Soft, long hair (single coat) Shedding: Low shedding

The Maltese is a small white dog! The Maltese has a silky, soft coat and round, black eyes. The Maltese’s hair grows long enough to cover the floor, so it needs to be trimmed regularly. Their fur tends to get tangled, so daily brushing is also important! 2.west highland white terrier

Fur color: Pure white only Coat type: Rough, hard coat (double coated) Shedding: Normal The Westie is a lovely pure white terrier with short limbs, triangular ears, and a thick, stiff coat. Check out techniques such as “plucking” to maintain the quality of the coat.

It is a good idea to learn breed-specific coat care methods. 3.BOLOGNESE Coat Color: Pure white only Coat type: Slightly frizzy, soft, long hair (single coat) Shedding: Low shedding The BOLOGNESE is an elegant dog that has been valued by the nobility. The BOLOGNESE is small and stocky, with a soft and fluffy coat.

It has a single coat, so it sheds little, but it is not good in cold weather. 4. BICHON FRISE Coat Color: Pure white only Coat type: Soft and curly (double coat) Sheds little hair. Like a “moving candy cane”? This fluffy, fuzzy Afro dog has a voluminous, white, curly coat.

The white, curly hair is very voluminous and attractive. The hair does not fall out easily, so it is not scattered. Brushing is essential, as they tend to form hairballs. 5. POMERANIAN Fur color: White, black, brown, orange, shades of gray, etc.  Fur texture: Soft, long-haired (double coat) Shedding: Heavy

The white POMERANIAN is like a downy fairy; it comes in a variety of colors, but pure white is rare. Be careful not to trim the hair too short, as this may worsen the quality of the hair. They have a lot of hair for their small size and shed quite a lot! 6. PEKINGESE

Hair color: White, black, brown, cream, red, fawn, etc. Coarse long hair (double coat) Amount of shedding: Heavy Very few PEKINGESE are pure white, and cream is often mixed in. In China, there is a rare breed called the “Yun Bang Cheng,” which is a crossbreed of only pure white individuals.

Their long fur and the way they walk while shaking their hips are very cute! 7.MINIATURE SCHNAUZER Hair Color: White / Salt & Pepper / Black / Black & Silver Hair Quality: Stiff, wiry (double coated) Shedding: Low shedding White is a relatively rare color among Schnauzers, with a fine, soft coat.

As the dog grows older, it may turn yellowish in color. The white color makes the Schnauzer stand out for its intelligence. 8.SHIBA Fur color: White/red/blackish brown/black sesame/red sesame Coat type: Short coat, double-layered with a hard upper coat and soft undercoat Shedding: Heavy

White Shiba Inus are rarely born from red or black parents. The birth rate is about 10% of all Shiba Inus. They are not pure white, but often have light red hair mixed in with their ears and tail. Their lovely fluffy white fur and dignified expression are very attractive! 9. CHIHUAHUA

Fur color: White, red, cream, black tan, chocolate tan, etc. Hair type: Short or long hair (mixed single or double) Amount of shedding: Normal (individual differences vary widely) The white Chihuahua has a small body covered with pure white fur and charming dark eyes.

Short-haired breeds have a smooth coat, while shorthaired breeds have a silky coat that requires different care. Wipe away tears frequently to prevent tear dermatitis! Then, here are five types of medium-sized dogs. 10.JAPANESE SPITZ Coat Color: Pure white only Fur texture: Soft, long hair (single coat) Shedding: Heavy

The JAPANESE SPITZ is a breed of dog that was established as a Japanese dog from the white Spitz breed from overseas. The fluffy, pure white coat and pointed, triangular ears are attractive. At the peak of its popularity, the Japanese Spitz once accounted for 40% of all dogs bred in Japan. 11. POODLE

Fur Color: White / Black / Gray / Brown / Fawn Coat type: Curly / Coated (single coat) Shedding: Low The POODLE’s white coat color is also its original color, giving it an air of elegance.

Compared to other coat colors, dirt and tear stains are more noticeable, so food selection and delicate care are important. It is easy to see dirt at a glance, so it is easy to care for. 12. BULL TERRIER Fur Color: White/Black Brindle/Red/Fawn/Tri-color Coarse, thick, short hair (double coat) Shedding: Normal

The Bull Terrier combines the power of a Bulldog with the quickness of a Terrier. It has short hair with a coarse texture. Their skin is sensitive to the cold, so they should be clothed. A type with a large group around the eyes is also popular. 13. HOKKAIDO KEN

Fur Color: White / Sesame / Tiger / Red / Black / Blackish brown Coat: Thick, double-layered coat that retains heat well. Shedding: Heavy The HOKKAIDO INU, once called the “Ainu dog,” is a beast-hunting dog that can even confront bears.

The HOKKAIDO INU has a thick coat that withstands the cold, nurtured in the environment of Hokkaido. On the other hand, it is sensitive to heat, so care must be taken during the summer. 14. KISHU KEN

Fur Color: White/Sesame/Red Coat type: Short, double-layered coat with a hard upper coat and a soft lower coat. Shedding: Heavy About 95% of the Kishu is white. There are various theories as to why white hair became the mainstream,

Such as “to prevent misfiring with prey when hunting” and “white was prized because of the sacred land of the Kii mountain range. It is a natural treasure of Japan, but its numbers are decreasing every year. The rest of the list includes six large dogs 15.WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOG

Fur Color: Pure white only Hair Quality: Short/long hair (double coat) Shedding: Heavy The WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOG is a beautiful and gentle breed. The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is bred from German Shepherds and only white coated individuals are bred. It is characterized by its pure white, dense coat and large, magnificent standing ears.

There are two types of WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOGs: short coat and long coat. 16.dogo argentino Coat color: Pure white only Coat: Thick, short, single coat Shedding: Low shedding

The Dogo Argentino is a strong and beautiful South American big game dog. It has a white coat to prevent hunters from mistaking it for a boar. It has a unique pale pink skin that peeks out from under its smooth short coat. They are pampered by their family and show their innocent nature. 17.BORZOI

Hair color: White, black, lemon red, silver, gold, etc. Hair texture: Wavy, silky, long hair (double coat) Hair shedding: Heavy The Borzoi is a beautiful hunting dog with a long, silky coat. With its streamlined body and long, thin legs, the Borzoi is as graceful as a white horse as it runs dynamically.

The Borzoi comes in a variety of beautiful coat colors. 18. AKITA INU Hair Color: White/Red/Sesame Tiger Hair (Red Tiger, Black Tiger, Marbled Tiger) Fur: Short/long hair (double coat) Shedding: Heavy The Akita is generally red-haired, but can also be white-haired, tiger-haired, or sesame-haired.

White-haired dogs are congenitally lightly pigmented and often have a light brown discoloration on their noses. Akita dogs also have a long-haired breed called “muku-hair. 19.GREAT PYRENEES Coat color: White/wolf color/gray/light yellow Coat: Long, supple coat (double coated) Shedding: Very heavy

The GREAT PYRENEES is a very large dog, weighing over 40 kg, like a polar bear. Their white, shaggy coat is attractive, but their shedding is among the highest of all breeds. They could make a bedding during the molting season. Coat care and shedding prevention require considerable time and money! 20. SAMOYED

Coat Color: Pure White/Cream White Biscuit Coat type: Thick, abundant, long hair (double coat) Shedding: Very heavy The SAMOYED charms people with its snowy, fluffy coat and innocent smile.

It is said, “Don’t look at a Samoyed puppy…” The reason for this is because they are so cute that you always want to take them home. The “Samoyed smile” has the power to make people happy. May you meet a wonderful family!

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  1. 白しか居ない種類の子だけではなく色々なカラーが居る種類の白の子も入っていて、個人的に柴犬の白の子が好きなので嬉しいです

  2. 秋田犬見るとど~しても面倒臭そうに威嚇する実家の犬を連想してしまうのは私だけでしょ~か

  3. 他にも、“シーリハム·テリア”や“ベドリントン·テリア”、“コモンドール(牧羊犬)”、“ハバニーズ(愛玩犬)”等が有りますね。

  4. 白でも黒でも

  5. 黒柴を飼っていますが、白柴も気になる。しかし、お隣のホワイトスイスシェパードで取り敢えず満足

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